Alpha AMP System
The Alpha AMP System is an on-site decentralised solid waste management system. The technology was commercialised in Singapore in 2018 by Alpha Grace Envirotech Pte Ltd Singapore. Units are currently operating in Singapore and China.
95R Pty Ltd is an Australian company representing Alpha Grace Enviro-Tech Pte Ltd (AGE) who developed and manufacture the Alpha AMP System in Singapore. 95R can design, and provide O & M for the systems.
The AMP system can reduce organic waste by up to 95% of its original weight. The unit fits in a 40-foot container and can process up to 5 tons of municipal or bio medical waste per 24-hour day with little or no sorting.
It works by utilising natural atmospheric air to generate ions through a proprietary designed plasma ion technology coupled with self-sustained heat arising from continuous processing where the heat can be released rapidly in a short time span. The main chamber consumes very small amount of energy per kg of waste processed. Energy consumption in the secondary chamber varies depending on the temperature and retention time requirements varies from state to state. Lower secondary chamber temperature requirements will result in lower power consumption
All organic waste can be degraded by the AMP system. However, inorganics such as metal, glass or concrete cannot be broken down by this system and will be collected in the bottom tray at the end of the cycle.
Bio-medical waste with metal inserts and needles, plastics and organics can be processed in the system. All metal pieces will be collected for scrap metal recycling after collection.
The residual ashes can be used as raw materials for pavers and driveway construction. This research yet to be conducted in Australia to ensure compliance to Australian Standards.

key benefits
- Reducing landfill
- Reduce transportation of waste
- Decentralised
- No toxic fumes