Our Services
95R Pty Ltd teamed with its principal in Singapore, Alpha Grace Envirotech (AGE) Pte Ltd to supply purposed-built decentralised waste management system using proprietary Alpha Magnetic Technology.
This system can be modularised in five tons per 24-hour day increments and is designed for processing waste on site as it is generated, eliminating transporting.
The AGE system is well suited for regional municipal waste processing reducing landfill by 95% and expensive transporting of waste.
AGE systems are especially suited for bio-medical waste where the unit can operated on site and eliminates the need of expensive storing and transportation of bio medical waste to processing site, therefore reducing cost and reducing safety risks.
The aim of our system is to reduce waste destined for landfill or expensive processing and the transporting of waste.
In addition to our decentralised waste processing system, we also provide design and construct waste to energy plants using AGE’s proprietary “cold” Plasma Assisted Pyrolysis Gasification system. It can be modularised in increments of 50 tons per 24-hour day.
We aim to meet all our customer needs and requests via our Global Support service. Our team of experts from the Support Service are always available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.